The Next Generation CRa: Going for Best in Class!
First, I want to say, “thanks!” The open rate on these emails is consistently super high compared to the industry average and I am grateful that you stick with us! You can sense good things coming and you are right!
12 years ago I ventured out to create a best of class exercise system… I called it Core Reprogramming. It has radically impacted many lives, including the top two running backs in Carroll College history.
3 years ago, I took some of the proprietary concepts from Core Reprogramming and invented a tool to fast-track some of the neuro-physiological processes. I called it the CRa (Core Reprogramming Activator). It’s patent pending. And I believe it will revolutionize the future of exercise.
Just this past week, I unveiled the next generation CRa. Really, it’s a special edition, made from exotic woods with unparalleled craftsmanship.
It’s on display now, but I did take it for a ride, and it’s absolutely amazing! (Keep in mind, you don’t stand on this tool like people might think).
The CRa is designed to assess and treat the greatest breakdowns in the body that come with aging, injury, compensation and stress.
The exercises I’ve developed with the CRa are simpler than other methods, go deeper neurologically, and produce faster results.
The whole process of launching the CRa has been incredibly difficult.
However, all things are coming together!
I hope to be in all 50 states by year’s end 2024! I’m going to place this in the hands of people like you!
I’m passionate about teaching people how to care for and treat themselves to reduce unnecessary suffering and avoid surgery, injections, medications, and appointments when possible.
So can this simple device (comes with video portal and several other accessories)… really transform the body?… dial back the clock?
As a business owner and entrepreneur, I always think of things in terms of return on investment (ROI). This upcoming year, I plan to go out and show the world (my focus is the US) that the CRa gives better results (per time and money) than any exercise system available. Crazy??? I hope not!… cuz you keep reading my emails… sooo… 🙂
Many blessings!
Matthew Fischer
Creator of Core reprogramming
inventor of the CRa Exercise Tool
Contact Me
Share your story, ask me questions, write me anything you’d like! I would love to help you discover more vitality, energy, and more youthful and athletic movement (at any age).