Matthew Fischer

Creator of Core reprogramming

Matthew Fischer is the creator of the Core Reprogramming exercise system and inventor of the CRa (Core Reprogramming Activator).  

Following a medical discharge from the US Navy for a chronic back condition, Matthew started a life-long quest to bring true healing and restoration to people suffering physical ailments.

After achieving his physical therapy degree, it became apparent that the disease management model of medicine favored medication, injections, and surgery.

Matthew, however, was determined to find the root causes and true solutions.  Neuroscience seemed to hold many of the answers.

Matthew began intensely studying the field, taking courses taught by leading experts throughout the country.

After establishing Fischer Physical Therapy in 2004, Matthew became an instructor and taught continuing education courses throughout the Northwest.

By 2007, he realized neuroscience could be transformed into exercise. From this insight the Core Reprogramming exercise system was born.

Matthew has been a special guest speaker at major seminars for physical therapists across the US, passionate about sharing messages that inspire transformation and personal growth.

He has been awarded “Best Physical Therapist in Helena Montana” on multiple occasions since 2017.

Contact Me

Share your story, ask me questions, write me anything you’d like! I would love to help you discover more vitality, energy, and more youthful and athletic movement (at any age).

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