Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, we’ve been conditioned to believe that our chronological ages determine how fast our parts wear out. This is far from the truth. You feel old because you’ve lost connection with the key parts of your nervous system that impact the quality of how you move. In most cases, these connections can be restored. The CR exercises developed on the CRa have been created to fast-forward this process by creating as direct a path to the breakdowns of the body as possible.
Absolutely, I have developed many exercises to quiet and eventually conquer the way our nervous system up-regulates stress. Removing stress, fear, and anxiety from the nervous system is a fundamental element of the transformation process. Quieting stress using the CR method, effectively prepares the body to be receptive to the reprogramming effects.
The CRa uses highly proprietary neuroscience-based movement to access the deep controls within that have gone amiss. By addressing these breakdowns in such a direct way, the CRa is able to treat the root cause of the problem, rather than just the symptoms. Since we’ve found the way to effectively do this with modern science applied through the CRa, the results in restoring movement and performance are reproducible when a person closely follows the CR method.
Yes, and no. Having worked with pain for 22 years on a daily work basis, pain can be a major distraction to the inner qualities one should focus on and “listen to.” In other cases, pain can cause a guarding response that does not allow for the reprogramming effect. In general, pain should be minimal when using the CRa. Other therapies may be necessary to explore first, in order to get the body in a state where it can be receptive to connecting appropriately.
Ideally, at least 20 minutes. More is even better. Keep in mind we are dealing with years of dysfunctional pathways that have been laid down inside your nervous system. And each day, “life” comes at us with stress and other distractions that make it easy to slide backward. So, just like brushing our teeth daily, we need to “brush our nervous system” to prevent and also transform our best parts inside. Since the CRa and CR method are so effective, you will end up losing time when you work out, rather, you will “gain time” by increasing energy levels, sleep quality, productivity, and overall quality of life and relationships.
This depends on the individual. In most cases, the effects are immediate with progress self-evident. We’ve found that some people are highly out of touch with their body, lacking self awareness. In other cases, people can be less focused and engaged. With Core Reprogramming, it is more important than other types of exercise to be present and connect through the exercise with high quality. Don’t worry here, this ability improves as you practice.
CR is the method and technique, including both art and science. The CRa on the other hand is the tool that Matthew Fischer invented to “fast-forward” the transformational changes in the body.
If there are any defects with your CRa, we are happy to send you a new CRa. In this unusual case, we will also send a postage paid return label for the original CRa.
Contact Me
Share your story, ask me questions, write me anything you’d like! I would love to help you discover more vitality, energy, and more youthful and athletic movement (at any age).
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