[VIDEO] The Marvel of Lifting (Like A Child)

You gotta love this picture of Paul’s daughter Naomi!
It’s not just strikingly beautiful, but a masterpiece of how the body was designed to move.
Just take a look at her technique… her form! This is innate movement… not something she was taught.
She is “putting on a clinic” right now on how to lift! Even the man clothed in the sun, who appears to be a lifter himself, is in awe!
How humbling for me!
This picture was taken around the same time that I hurt my back lifting our newly added high-speed treadmill last Sunday.
The full details of that lifting injury and the true lessons are detailed in this video here…
I want to share this to help others be more like Naomi!
Can you relate?
Do you, like me, have a history of lifting things you have no business lifting?
I wonder what percentage of the cases we see for physical therapy are the result of damage from past lifting injuries.
Good news: we can learn from foolish experts like me 🙂
Additionally, I was able to develop two new exercises using the CRa to decompress the lumbar spine after the video was shot. They work amazingly well!
Once again, further evidence that there are often hidden blessings in the midst of the struggles and insults of daily life.
I created this video 6 years ago about the fallacy of only “lifting with your legs”.
While it is true that the hips need to be the powerhouse of lifting on a stable core and “neutral” spine, the quads actually DO need to be strong as well. I would clarify this if I reshot this baby.
That’s one reason why I’m making a conscious decision to focus on my legs in the gym in the future – really for the first time.
Never too late to learn from a child.
I hope I can become that child for you.
Let’s train together in 2023 for a better life!

Matthew Fischer
Creator of Core reprogramming
inventor of the CRa Exercise Tool
Contact Me
Share your story, ask me questions, write me anything you’d like! I would love to help you discover more vitality, energy, and more youthful and athletic movement (at any age).
PS. Kudos to our admin assistant and tech guru Joe Carrell on his first attempt at putting together a YouTube video. We are so thankful he has taken on the film and video needs of our future!
PSS. Maybe sometime I’ll tell the story about how 4 movers and myself lifted this desk (that I built for the previous clinic) up the stairs to its current location. Stupid, yeah… but by the grace of God, no one was hurt.
Ha ha… they begged me… “Could you please cut this in half?” I replied firmly, “Guys, we ARE going to get this up the stairs, we just need to figure out how.”