How Fear Elevates Our Injuries and Destroys our Bodies

One of my greatest fascinations is how our body is ACTUALLY designed to function. Working contrary to this is fear, which completely corrupts our nervous system and works against us.

Just this last Monday AM, I had an experience that sheds light on this. I did one of the most stupid things EVER in the search of a little coffee. I don’t drink a lot of coffee, but when I do, I prefer to use an Italian Bialetti type device.

This device essentially has a pressure cooker on the bottom, and pushes the steam from the boiling pressurized water up through the coffee grounds, then up a long cylinder where it perks into the upper container.

So… I was waiting for the coffee and I heard the sound of pressure escaping.

I thought… hmm… I wonder if I didn’t screw the top on enough.

Then I made a really bad decision. I decided to take a heat insulation pad, remove it from the stove while it was perking, and try to tighten it.

The problem was, I twisted it the wrong way…

I was in for quite a shock as boiling, pressurized water shot across my chest.

At that split second, time seemed to slow way down and I was able to make a decision… I chose to focus not on the pain or injury, but on what I was going to do about it.

All my attention went to THIS. I ignored the pain, and by some grace, did not experience any fear.

The water temp from this already-percing device was over 212 degrees.

On the internet, it says that 150 degree water will cause a 3rd degree burn within 2 seconds to human skin.

This is a pic taken of me 24 hours AFTER the injury. Almost half of the streak is already healed. Never any blisters.

So much sprayed out that even the top of my underwear was saturated.

The next pic is my arm the next day.

So what happened?

Have you ever seen people walk barefoot on coals without injury?

Our mental state can have an extraordinary effect on our body for our benefit or destruction.

Fear, when we flow with it, is tremendously destructive to our physiological response, all the way down to the cellular level.

I should have received 3rd degree burns… or worse.

So what did I choose to focus on in that split second? I focused on exactly what I was going to do to help my burning skin. I knew I had some ASEA in the house… and some live Aloe plant… and finally some hemp green goop. I applied these and stayed calm. And I’m sure I subconsciously prayed.

Purging fear out of the nervous system is a key part of the Core Reprogramming method of exercise I’ve developed. Our country is in desperate need of the benefits of Core Reprogramming!

We are not designed to incarnate fear the way we see it dominating people’s nervous system in today’s culture.

This was an amazing experience for me and confirmation of the truth about what’s going on in our bodies. It also encompassed a few of my greatest passions: supernatural grace and natural healing.

I hope this helps you in some ways…and please be careful with all pressure cookers!

Matthew Fischer

Creator of Core reprogramming
inventor of the CRa Exercise Tool

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