October is Our Victory Month

I want to announce October as VICTORY MONTH!

Winning the hour, the day, the month is actually fairly easy.

If you can dare to set your sights on a better future…

If you can make some degree of progress… and grow…

You are winning.

And new things will begin to open up for you.

(If you try and don’t progress, there is still a way to win through mercy)

But you and I have gotta do something… take some action. Be bold!

“Fortune favors the bold”…

They say insanity is “doing the same thing but expecting a different result.”

Don’t worry about perfection, or waiting for the ideal action.

Just start somewhere.

I dare you to move.

In fact, our job is to make this process… the process of progress easier for YOU.

Becoming a better version of yourself = growth…

And your satisfaction, your happiness, your true joy

Is dependent on growing.

Especially when you learn to take your personal growth and GIVE.

This is what you’re designed for.

And when you fail…if you fall, you “get back up and keep moving forward, this is how winning is done!” (from Rocky Balboa)

Start by writing down a few words to describe who you want to become

Growing is becoming…

For me…I say, “I am a focused, ordered, effective servant-leader”

What words would you use to describe your future self?

Asking yourself better questions every day is also vital.

Here is what I’m going to ask myself in October…

  1. What is right and good right now? Right here?
  2. What am I taking for granted right now?
  3. How can I improve my inner narrative right now?
  4. Where is the opportunity right now?
  5. What dream, unfulfilled can I envision right now…what is the missing component, what is holding me back right now? Did I “Live the Victory?”
  6. How can I love more, live more, and serve more right now?
  7. Who can I ask to help me in my mission?
  8. What bold action should I take?
  9. Were my actions today aligned with my core values? With my goals and dreams?
  10. How did I progress?
  11. How did I make a difference?

What questions could you ask yourself each day in October? Even one question is a good start.

And if you even struggle to start… thats OK.

Again, we are here to help assist you in this process.

To be your support…your guide.

October is going to be a month of massive victory!

Consider joining the movement.

YOU and I are here for more than to lead “quiet lives of desperation” (Henry David Thoreau)

Be bold and separate yourself from the people, news, and any activities that stand in the way of your growth. (you may need to create a “not to do” list)

Lets do this!

To make it easier for you, we have 15 options for free presentations. Two additional ones will be added this week.

For more information or to sign up, click here.

We want to make the process of growth as easy as possible FOR YOU!

Feel free to bring a friend…a future accountability partner.

Yes, 2023 is shaping up to become the “best year yet”…

Be not afraid!


Matthew Fischer

Creator of Core reprogramming
inventor of the CRa Exercise Tool

Contact Me

Share your story, ask me questions, write me anything you’d like! I would love to help you discover more vitality, energy, and more youthful and athletic movement (at any age).

What would you like to talk about?
Check all that apply.
Anything you write will remain confidential.

PS. If you come to my 35 minute presentation tomorrow you will come away with a completely new understanding of exercise that will motivate and inspire you to do more! It’s called “WHY: You MUST Train” Tuesday night at 6:30 PM. Sign up here.

And if you struggle with pain to any degree…Paul Elcan, DPT will be breaking down the latest science to understand YOUR pain in a whole new way that will empower you! This Weds night at 6:30. Sign up here.